Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Snow and Sew? (Let's just read some quilting books)

A little over a week ago, Mother Nature provided those of us who live in the northeast a very interesting weekend. Early in the week, we knew snow would be coming by the weekend, and of course, the closer the storm came, the better the forecasters were able to predict the outcome. It was clear that by midday Friday, something BIG would be looming in our neighborhood. Schools and businesses were closed...and we waited. Sure enough, winter storm Nemo (or blizzard Charlotte - I'm still not sure what I'm supposed to call it) bore down on my little town and packed a wallop! We went to bed on Friday night with the snow piling up, and by the time it stopped on Saturday there were 31 inches of the pretty white stuff in my yard...and on my driveway. Since we all think in fabric, that's almost a yard of snow. Too bad it wasn't fabric. For a little perspective, here's a shot of me, trying to dig out the deck. The snow here had drifted over my head. It made for an excellent upper body workout!

After hours and hours, literally 6-1/2 hours of solid work by two able-bodied adults, the way was cleared to the road (which had not seen a plow). When I got back inside, I was just too tired (gasp!) to sew! It seemed to be the perfect weekend to relax with a cup of tea and a couple of the books I received for Christmas.

I will admit to being in love with modern quilts and quilting. My fabulously talented, and incredible friend, Jess Smith from The Quilt and Needle introduced me to Angela Walters' concept of quilting in negative space. I am the lucky owner of both books Angela has written, so I spent time reading and practicing my drawing. We longarmers doodle. A lot! In "Free Motion Quilting", Angela teaches the reader designs that work well with modern quilts, then follows with ways to incorporate these designs into actual quilts. I love this book and highly recommend it! "In the Studio" builds on the ideas Angela discusses in her first book. You can learn more about Angela at www.quiltingismytherapy.com

My final book is pure, unadulterated eye candy! I'll admit it. I just sat and looked at the pictures...and dreamed. Karen Stone's (learn more at www.karenkstone.com) quilts are jaw-dropping. I always say I'll make one of beauties, but I don't know when that day will come. What quilts do you dream of making one day?

Wishing everyone a day filled with fabric and dazzling ideas! Lizzie

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